Monday, August 16, 2010

Mom's Birthday Today

Image from here.
Yup, it's my mom's birthday today and in line with tradition, I took the day off so that I could spend the day with her. We heard mass at the Eastwood Chapel and then had lunch at Cookbook Kitchen at Eastwood (YUM!). It's my first time there. I have actually been wanting to eat there for the longest time. Since it was first featured in the magazines and also on the internet. Their first branch was in Mandaluyong but I never really came around to try it out there.

I guess for my mom's birthday, I just wish that she would be HAPPY. I know that happiness is a decision but then sometimes, there are just some things that will make you happy and I hope that everything that she thinks would make her happy would come her way. ;)
As for the letter of God to me today...

Dear Kinney,

Champions run toward their fears.  And you, Kinney, are a champion.

Trust me,

P.S. When it's not an emergency, Kinney, don't make decisions based on fear.  Always make decisions based on love.

I got this from the GodWhispers club. Look for it on Google. It's under Bo Sanchez's blog. I read a post of Bo Sanchez today.  It was all about being a champion and being all out. It says there that those people who are champions are those people who give their all in whatever they do. It got me thinking. There were times in the past that I gave my all and I didn't really feel good about it after. Either one, I was too stressed out after that I got sick or two, I didn't really get back more. In fact, I got even less. I don't know though how to reconcile both ideas to what I experience. Although, I'm not questioning what Bo Sanchez said. I'm just questioning those things that are happening or that has happened to me.

Anyway, going back... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I hope that you did have a great day. I hope that you will have a great year ahead of your. I wish you HAPPINESS and LOVE. I wish that everything that you pray for will come to you. I hope that God will always be with you and that He will shower you with soo much blessings. I know that I'm not the "I love you"-saying daughter but then... I love you. I hope that you feel it. ;)

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