Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thank You, God!

I have never really been the POSITIVE kind of person but seriously, I'm really trying to be one. It's one hell of a struggle for me since I guess I always find the "bad" things first and focus on them. Although, I really am trying to find the finer things in life and trying to appreciate it more. One of the ways that they say that would lead you to "positivism" is by being thankful for everything that you receive so that you focus on that instead of focusing on the negatives.

So for now, here are the things that I am thankful for:

  1. I am thankful for the happy game night that KD, Jerry and I had last Thursday. Even though I lost and even though we weren't able to sleep, I still had fun and I think that we could do it again.
  2. I am thankful for the offsite. At least we got one day off from work and we were able to focus on the bonding that we have as a team.
  3. Thankful for the offsite night. We were really able to bring everyone together. Definitely a success if you ask me.
  4. Thankful for a safe trip back home. Even if the bus stopped because of something smoking in the engine of the bus, we were able to get home safe and sound.
  5. Thankful as well for the dinner night with my family. Yes, the service was bad and I was tired but good food is something we should always be thankful for.
  6. Thankful for the nice and relaxing coffee after dinner. Got to sit down and laugh a lot. Even if I missed my bed, it was still okay.
  7. Thank you for taking us home safe and sound Saturday night. Even if we left really late, we were still safe.
  8. Thank you for a wonderful Sunday and yummy Good Burger. Yummy and hot. Yummy dessert. Frozen banana pie. OMG. To die for.
  9. Thank you for giving me the time to blog. I have a LOT to catch up with.
  10. Thank you for giving me time to sleep at least I got to catch up on that.
  11. Thank you for no traffic! First time I have ever been to Podium that there was no traffic for some weird reason.
  12. Thank you for making me be able to buy the stuff that I wanted to buy at St. Francis Square.
  13. Thank you for Java Chip frap. YUMMY!
  14. Thank you for safe trip to the store and to Makati. It's not something that we do all the time but thank you for keeping us safe.
  15. Thank you for the package from Vaseline! :) Cute umbrella.
I know that these are just little things but thank you. These things really made me happy this weekend.

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